SCAN: Schistosomiasis Collections at the Natural History Museum
SCAN is a genetic resource of schistosome and snail specimens held at the Natural History Museum that was launched in response to the need for research access to genetic samples reflecting field populations rather than laboratory isolates. Housed in NHM's purpose-built molecular collections facility, the resource has been built on a base of historical research specimens and now holds a growing collection including Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium populations and associated snails (Bulinus and Biomphalaria spp) linked to geographical/temporal data.
We currently work with partners in schistosomiasis endemic areas to capture specimens during ongoing studies, primarily associated with chemotherapy in programmes associated with control. Our mission is to provide schistosomiasis research specimens from real populations rather than laboratory isolates. These kinds of collections are now highly valued as the tools to study complex parasite interactions are becoming available and the significance of parasite variation is recognised.
Primary LCNTDR organisation
LCNTDR Research team
External partners
University of Georgia