Professor David Rollinson

David is Director of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance and is helping to establish the Alliance as a meaningful and important platform for the schistosomiasis community. He holds a Scientific Associate position at the Natural History Museum in London, having recently retired as an Individual Merit Research Scientist and Director of a WHO Collaborating Centre for Schistosomiasis. David has had a long fascination with schistosomes and their intermediate snail hosts and this has involved him in many projects especially in sub-Saharan Africa, most recently, the Zanzibar Elimination of Schistosomiasis Transmission (ZEST) project in Zanzibar. David is on the WHO Expert Advisory Panel of parasitic diseases, the senior editor of Advances in Parasitology and a former President of the World Federation of Parasitologists and British Society for Parasitology. He has published over 330 research articles and has received many honours and awards in recognition of his contribution to the field of parasitology.