Sreejith Radhakrishnan

After training as a veterinarian in India and specializing in wildlife medicine from the Royal Veterinary College, London, Sree has worked in variety of research areas including molecular biology research, working in government service as a veterinary clinician, a two-year stint as a wildlife vet in a tiger reserve and teaching at his alma mater in Kerala, India.
During his work in the field in India, he developed an interest in infectious disease epidemiology, especially of zoonoses (diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans). He has a particular interest in rabies (and other lyssasvirus infections), an entirely preventable disease that still accounts for over 60,000 human deaths annually, with the majority of these reported from India. In 2016, he started on a four-year Wellcome Trust PhD Programme in Epidemiology, Evolution and Control of Infectious Diseases at DIDE.