Professor Mark Rowland

Mark Rowland is professor of medical entomology working primarily on the development and evaluation of new methods of malaria vector control.
Mark is Coordinator of PAMVERC, the Pan-African Vector Research Consortium, which is an alliance of research institutions, laboratories and field sites in East and West Africa (Tanzania [Muheza, Moshi, Muleba], Benin and Ivory Coast) for trialing of new vector control tools to improve malaria transmission control and overcome insecticide resistance.
For the last 15 he has worked with Gates Foundation and Innovative Vector Control Consortium and private sector on the development of new types of IRS and insecticide treated net products for controling insecticide resistant mosquitoes. He has worked with the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme for over 15 years and is a member of the WHO Technical Expert Group on Malaria Vector Control. He works with the President's Malaria Control Initiative on the community randomised trials in Tanzania on combined IRS and LLIN intervenions and new tools such as insecticide treated wall lining.
Previously Mark worked with DFID funded research consortia on integrated malaria control in humanitarian emergencies (medical entomology and malaria chemotherapy, epidemiology and public health). He has special interest in vector borne disease control in countries affected by crisis and conflict. From 1991 to 1998 he managed the malaria and leishmaniasis control programme of HealthNet-TPO, Medecins sans Frontières and UNHCR for Afghanistan and the Afghan refugee populations living in Pakistan. Since returning to LSHTM in 1999 Mark has maintained and built research links with health NGOs working in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa.
Research projects in 4 areas:
1. Development of new vector control tools:
- Development and evaluation of products that provide improved control and overcome pyrethroid resistance. These include long-lasting indoor residual spray formulations and combination long-lasting nets. Projects are supported through the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), a Gates funded product-development-partnership with agrochemical and textile industry, implemented through PAMVERC in Tanzania and Benin.
- Trials of combination products to improve vector control and manage resistance in Africa (AvecNet).
2. Malaria transmission control. Community randomised trials in Tanzania to investigate:
- The impact of combined indoor residual spraying and universal coverage of long lasting nets on malaria transmission control in Tanzania (supported by USAID and President Malaria Initiative).
- Whether pyrethroid treated blankets/sheets can provide community protection against malaria in situations analogous to humanitarian crisis.
- Insecticide treated durable wall liner
3. Evaluation of new vector control tools:
- Evaluation of new vector control products (LLINs and combination nets) on behalf of the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES). Phase II trials of efficacy and wash resistance in experimental huts, Phase III trials of LLIN effectiveness and durability are evaluated in household randomised trials.
- Comparative studies with prototype or commercial products in laboratory, semi-field or village trials sponsored by manufacturing industry.
4. Targeting of Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) and Artemesinin Combination Therapy (ACT) for improved management of falciparum and vivax malaria in Afghanistan. A multidisciplinary project funded by the ACT Consortium implemented through the several international and local health care NGOs operating in northern and eastern Afghanistan.