Professor Jayne Webster

Over the last few years much of Professor Webster's research has focused on evaluating the delivery of interventions for the control of Malaria in Pregnancy (MiP) within routine health systems. She has used mixed methods approaches and novel approaches to application of methods, to assess the effectiveness with which different interventions have been delivered in a number of countries and contexts. She has conducted similar studies on the management of febrile children under five years of age.
Currently she has a number of studies and evaluations ongoing including policy translation studies of MiP interventions, evaluation of implementation of new MiP interventions in routine systems prior to policy development, impact and process evaluation of e-health and community engagement for immunisation, integrated delivery of immunisation and family planning interventions, control and elimination of visceral leishmaniasis and data for decision making in malaria control. These studies and evaluations are taking place across several countries and use a variety of methods. Her passion within all of these studies is in broadening the use of methods and combinations of methods including both empirical and theory based approaches.