Professor David Moore

David has four roles - he leads a TB research group in Lima, Peru; he is a Course Director for the DTM&H; he is a member of the LSHTM TB Centre Steering Committee; and he is a Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London.
His primary research interest is in control of tuberculosis and drug-resistant tuberculosis through innovative strategies for diagnosis of adult and paediatric TB, management of latent TB infection and active TB disease (drug-susceptible and drug-resistant), and institutional and domestic TB infection control.
MODS delivers rapid, low-cost diagnosis of MDR-TB but important by-products of this enhanced diagnostic testing include identification of a large number of MDR-exposed household contacts and individuals with isoniazid resistant (non-MDR) TB. His research group is exploring transcriptomic responses to preventive therapy for contacts exposed to drug-susceptible TB with an eye to future evaluations of preventive therapy for MDR-exposed contacts.
David's research also includes the development of laboratory capacity through innovative laboratory design and application of portable containerized laboratories.
An expanding area of David's interest is in the control of bartonellosis (Oroya fever, Verruga Peruana) due to Bartonella bacilliformis; knowledge gaps in diagnosis, natural history, epidemiology, vector biology and therapeutics are amongst the major challenges for this neglected disease affecting impoverished Andean communities.
In London, aligned with his clinical tropical medicine practice at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (UCLH), he is leading an operational research project into implementation of screening for Chagas disease in Latin American migrants now living in the UK.