Laura Braun

Laura's research is part of the WISER project, which examines the ability of selected water treatment methods to remove schistosomiasis cercariae from water. This collaborative project between Imperial College London, the Natural History Museum, Addis Ababa University, and the National Institute of Medical Research in Tanzania will help inform how water treatment in endemic areas should be designed. Chlorination, filtration and ultraviolet disinfection experiments will be conducted in Ethiopia and Tanzania.
Laura obtained a BEng in Bioresource Engineering from McGill University, Canada in 2013. She went on to graduate from Imperial College London with an MSc in Environmental Engineering and Business Management. After working for a London-based engineering consultancy for two years, she joined the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Civil Engineering at Imperial College London in 2016. She is supervised by Dr. Michael Templeton and will work in close collaboration with the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance and the Natural History Museum.