Justine Marshall

Justine is the manager of the LCNTDR. She is also part of the NTD Epidemiology Research Group at Imperial College London.
Justine has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours I) and a Master of International Public Health, both from the University of Sydney. She joined the LCNTDR from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine where she worked as a communications officer in maternal, sexual and reproductive health.
She has previously worked on safety and quality in health care for the Australian government, on the 1 million Community Health Worker (1mCHW) campaign at the Earth Institute in New York City, and as Regional Media & Communications Officer at HelpAge International in the East Asia and Pacific Regional Office in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Justine combines experience in global health, development, project coordination, communications and advocacy, with a particular interest in infectious disease and health systems in low- and middle-income countries.