John Archer

John is a Research Assistant within the Natural History Museum’s Parasites & Vectors Division, Prof. David Rollinson group. His is currently involved in projects that primarily focus on the molecular diagnosis of human-infecting Schistosoma species, the identification and characterisation of human- and animal-infecting schistosomes and their freshwater snail intermediate hosts, as well as the molecular detection of human- and animal-infecting schistosomes within these hosts.
Prior to this, John worked as a Research Assistant within the Anti-Wolbachia consortium based at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; a project aiming to discover and develop novel therapeutics for the treatment of lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) and onchocerciasis (river blindness) by targeting Wolbachia symbionts. He has also worked on projects within Glasgow University’s Wellcome Centre for Molecular Parasitology aiming to understand and uncover molecular processes behind the sexual stages of Plasmodium; the causative agent of malaria.
John completed an M.Sc in the Biology and Control of Parasites and Disease Vectors at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool, in 2015.