Janneke Snetselaar

Janneke Snetselaar is a biologist with a fascination for entomology and vector-borne diseases. She obtained her MSc degree at Wageningen University in 2013 with a specialization in bio-interactions. During her MSc thesis (2011) she focused on the evaluation of repellent compounds against the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae s.s. During this thesis she conducted behavioural research both in Wageningen and in Kenya at the ICIPE-Thomas Odhiamo Mbita campus.
From there she joined the department of Entomology at Wageningen University (2013), where she worked on the evaluation of impregnated textiles and bednets against malaria mosquitoes. After this she worked at In2Care BV (2013-2015) as a staff member Research and Development. In this positions she was involved as a researcher in the Mosquito Control Device project, funded under the EU 7th Framework program and led field trails at the Ifakara Health Institute (Tanzania) and at ICIPE Mbita (Kenya).
Recently she joined LSHTM as a research assistant based in Moshi, Tanzania. In this position she works as a project manager for PAMVERC (Pan-African Malaria Vector Research Consortium), evaluating novel and long-lasting insecticide formulations for bed nets and indoor residual spraying.