Gillian McKay

Gillian McKay, MScPH, RN is a Doctor of Public Health candidate at LSHTM and an independent global health consultant. She uses qualitative methods to research practical interventions in the areas of infectious disease outbreaks and women's reproductive health. Her thesis is on the impact of the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic on family planning in Sierra Leone.
Gillian's passion for humanitarian action has been demonstrated through work in the Democratic Republic of the CongoSierra Leone, South Sudan, Haiti, Syria and Ethiopia. She has worked with the World Health Organization, the International Rescue Committee, UK-Med, Save the Children, GOAL Global and others.
She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of British Columbia and a Master of Science in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She has previously researched evidence uptake in outbreaks, health worker perspectives on epidemic response interventions, health systems resilience in outbreaks and gender-sensitive disaster risk reduction strategies.
Gillian is a 2016 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholar, a Parkes Foundation grant recipient and is supported by funding from the CDC, ELHRA and the Wellcome Trust.