Emma Taylor

In 2018, Emma Taylor was awarded a Doctoral College Studentship Award at the University of Surrey for the study of a PhD in Global Health focused on modelling rabies transmission in dogs. Despite rabies in people being 100% preventable, progress towards control is challenging due to, for example the lack of data available on dog demographics, lack of awareness to the risk, poor resource allocation and lack of consistent surveillance.
With the support of supervisor’s Dr Dan Horton, and Dr Joaquin Prada at the University of Surrey, UK, and in collaboration with Centre for Disease Control, Atlanta (CDC), and the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC), Emma is applying a combination of modelling approaches, which capture disease dynamics and the economic impact of rabies control, to create a new tool to improve strategic risk management and resource allocation for rabies programmes.
Prior to beginning her PhD, Emma completed an MSc Veterinary Microbiology, worked as a visiting researcher at The Animal Health Trust tackling Streptococcus equi subsp. equi (Strangles), and spent time in Goa, India vaccinating street dogs as part of Mission Rabies mass vaccination campaigns. She also have over ten years’ experience working as a Project Manager, delivering a diverse and inclusive learning curriculum, and education and outreach programme for young adults with disabilities.