Dr Stefan Flasche

Dr Falsche research focuses on the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases. Over the course of his career he has worked on pneumococcal vaccination, outbreak response (swine flu and ebola) and advising the WHO on modelling (including dengue and malaria).
He is currently sits on the WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation's (WHO SAGE) working group on pneumococcal conjugate vaccines and on the WHO SAGE working group on dengue vaccine.
His main research area is the evaluation and optimisation of vaccine interventions for S. pneumoniae through mathematical models. Despite the success of pneumococcal vaccines in substantially reducing the pneumococcal disease burden worldwide serotype replacement has mitigated potentially larger impact. He works with local and international collaborators to help better understand how to use existing pneumococcal vaccine more efficiently, ie reducing cost and maximising impact, and to help designing optimal future vaccine formulations.
His other interests include real-time evaluation of pandemic flu and ebola during outbreak situations as well as assessing and predicting the impact of vaccines against seasonal influenza, HiB, varicella zoster, melioidosis, non-typhoid salmonella, RSV, hand foot and mouth disease, malaria and dengue.