Dr James Logan

James is Associate Professor in the Department of Disease Control and Director of the Arthropod Control Product Test Centre (ARCTEC). He is Principal Investigator of a large research portfolio investigating novel ways to control arthropod vectors that transmit pathogens of medical importance, including Zika, malaria and dengue. James ia the UK's leading expert on insect repellents and methods of personal protection against arthropod vectors. Through chemical ecology studies, his research group explores the complex interaction between arthropod vectors, vertebrate hosts and pathogens at the behavioural, olfactory and molecular level. The Logan group also investigates the mode of action of new (and current) monitoring and control technologies for arthropods, using in-house state-of-the-art experimental equipment including electroantennography, single sensillum recording, gas chromatography, RT-PCR and behavioural olfactometry, as well as Category 3 facilities which allow complex malaria infection studies with Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes and Plasmodium falciparum parasites. The arctec laboratories, and well-stocked insectaries, house excellent facilities for the development and high-throughput evaluation of arthropod-related products and technologies for pest and vector control.