Dr Eva Janoušková

Dr Eva Janoušková is a Research Fellow in Mathematical Modelling at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, University of Surrey. She completed a Master's Degree in Statistics and Data Analysis, and obtained her PhD in Probability, Statistics and Mathematical Modelling at the Masaryk University supervised by Dr Luděk Berec (University of South Bohemia and Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, both in CZ), during which time she developed epidemiological and evolutionary models exploring interactions between animal hosts and sterilizing pathogens.
Currently, her main research focus is developing a stochastic individual-based transmission model to assess sustainable interventions against schistosomiasis in Uganda, with Dr Joaquín Prada (Prada Modelling Lab, University of Surrey, UK) and Dr Poppy Lamberton (Lamberton Lab, University of Glasgow, UK). Since schistosomiasis is a parasitic worm disease acquired through contact with contaminated freshwater, the emphasis is primarily on different Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) interventions. The approach is built on three pillars that are vital to sustainable public health policy; epidemiological understanding, economic considerations, and accounting for sociological considerations at both implementation-level (community) and policy-level.
Dr Janoušková also collaborates more broadly on a number of Neglected Tropical Diseases providing statistical and mathematical modelling support. For example she has been modelling spillover of vampire-bat-driven rabies to cattle in farms in Brazil, in collaboration with Dr Gustavo Machado (NC State University, US). Using simulations of rabies spillover will provide forecasting risk maps to allow targeted preventive interventions.