Arran Hamlet

Arran is a PhD student in the department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London. His primary research focuses on the epidemiology of yellow fever (YF) in South America, the role of non-human primates in transmission and the potential for expansion of the endemic zone.
Arran’s previous work has involved coordinating with the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide real-time outbreak analysis, and to inform the targeting of vaccination campaigns in response to YF outbreaks in Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nigeria. Other research areas have involved estimating the population level YF vaccination coverage across the African endemic zone for the WHO and other relevant stake holders in public health, analysing the seasonality of YF in Africa, and the influence of land-use on outbreaks in South America.
Arran holds a MSc in Epidemiology from Imperial College London, and a BSc (Hons) in Biology with Psychology from Queen Mary University.