Dr Chrissy Roberts

Dr Roberts is an assistant professor in the Department of Clinical Research at LSHTM and a member of the school's trachoma group. His research focuses on the genomic and immunogenetic correlates of diseases that affect people living in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Pacific Islands and other low and middle income countries. He joined the LSHTM Clinical Research Department in 2009 after spending several years researching the use advanced diagnostics approaches to improve the outcome of stem cell transplants at the UCL Cancer Institute and Anthony Nolan Research Institute. Much of his recent work has focussed on trachoma (the leading infectious cause of blindness) but his diverse research interests include both communicable and non-communicable diseases. He takes a multidisciplinary approach to research and hasexpertise in molecular genetics, diagnostics, genomics, computer and data sciences, biostatistics, bioinformatics, field survey methods and genetic epidemiology.